David was born and raised in a Christian, Spirit-filled home in the Enchanted Desert (Carlsbad, NM). He moved to TN when he was 22 to start a house-framing business with his brother. He's been saved for as long as he can remember, but really began a closer, more personal walk with the Lord when his first child, Nick, was born. Raising a child really solidified the importance of setting a standard and being an example to those who looked to him as a role model and it truly grounded him in his relationship with the Lord. This solid relationship with God sustained him through a divorce and years as a single dad until he met and courted Dawn in 1999 and subsequently married her in March of 2000.
Since their marriage, David and Dawn have worked in many different capacities of Children's Ministry from Toddlers to Teens. Their love of children and desire to see them develop a close walk with the Lord as early as possible fuels them to serve where needed.
What quality/trait do you admire most?
Most traumatic experience:
Favorite TV show(s), Books or Movies:
Little House on the Prairie/Looney Tunes, Bible, Sergeant York
Woodworking, Writing
Big Band Era and Swing
Favorite Food:
Mexican Cornbread, Salsa
Email: David@EastgateCCF.com