Growing is an ongoing process as you live, learn and serve. If we wait until we've learned everything there is to learn before we serve, we will never serve. We believe serving and connecting go hand in hand, therefore and we want to equip you to do both by offering this fourSTEP Growth Series we call Thrive. Once you decide to become a part of Eastgate, we don't want to waste any time in discovering the spiritual gifts that are within you and how you can put those to use in our fellowship. Within our Thrive Series you'll not only take a spiritual gifts test but also a personality test!
We have a 4-step process that can take you to the next level in your spiritual growth. Four segments we'd like you to hear in a class setting. There, you'll be able to meet Eastgate leaders and pastors and ask any questions you have as a new member.
The 4-step growth series covers:
stepONE: Becoming a Member
stepTWO: Discovering Your Gifts
stepTHREE: Developing Your Gifts
stepFOUR: Join The Team
It's important for you to not just attend a church, but to invest in it. We want you to thrive and grow as you connect and serve. Sign up today here or email to express your interest.