CHAYAH is a Young Adult group for post high-school to 30ish. 

They meet each Wednesday night with the exception of the first Wednesday of the month.

You can find out more about the group and meeting location here.

CHaYah Young Adult Directors


Jeorgi and Donovan, are a dedicated couple that lead the young adult group- Chayah. Jeorgi, a key member of Eastgate has been involved in various roles within the ministry, including youth ministry, leading the first impressions + cafe team, and serving as a small group leader. Her infectious joy and passion continues to have such a positive impact on our community. Donovan, originally from Minnesota, relocated to Nashville in 2019 and began serving on our worship team. Together, they bring a perfect mix of creativity, passion, and dedication to guiding and supporting the young adults in our congregation. They were married in 2020, and have two beautiful children who bring joy to their lives.