Eastgate's Connect groups are a weekly source of growth and connection. Check out the list below and contact the Connect Group leader with any questions you might have. They can tell you whether or not their group includes meals, childcare, give you directions, etc. These groups are our main point of connection at Eastgate and the most effective pastoral arm of the church.


Eastgate is not a church with small groups, but a church of small groups. They are called "Connect Groups" and they are largely the way in which we define membership at Eastgate. By becoming a part of a Connect Group, you will find community with like-minded people and truly thrive at Eastgate! 

At Eastgate, we have opportunities for members and visitors to meet on various nights of the week (and our groups are on a trimester model, meaning that you choose one group for a 3 month period and then can choose another one the next semester (or stay if you prefer). Our groups range from Bible studies to art classes, and each group is either led by a deacon or overseen by one.  

Connect groups meet weekly but not the week of the first Wednesday each month, since we want to encourage attendance at Outpour. Outpour is Eastgate's monthly night of just worship and prophetic opens-mic ministry. Click here to go to our Worship page and learn more.

Find all of our Connect Groups along with the leader's info so you can get their address and any additional information needed. 

Connect Group leader Log In

Click here

Log into the connect group leader site.